Chaos Walking Wiki
Chaos Walking Wiki

Cassors are birds native to the swamps of New World.


Cassors are two to three meters tall, have bendy necks, wings not large enough to let them fly that can stun their prey, and feathers that cover their bodies resembling fur (The Knife of Never Letting Go).


Chaos Walking trilogy[]

The Knife of Never Letting Go[]

A cassor looking for food wakes Todd, Viola, and Manchee up from a nap. Manchee begins barking at it, perciving it as a threat while Todd reassures Viola that cassors are harmless.


  • Cassors may be the Chaos Walking version of the real-world cassowary, a flightless bird native to Australia. However, the cassowary only eats fruits found on the forest floor; whereas cassors eat animals in the order Rodentia.
  • The cassor's tame disposition made them the perfect game animal for the human settlers of New World.